Breast Cancer and Cosmetics

"Women for the most part thought that someone was minding the store in terms of the ingredients in cosmetics," said Janet Nudelman, a policy director at the non-profit Breast Cancer Fund in San Francisco. That's not happening, she said.

The good stuff imo from the article:

Chemicals to you should avoid
Dibutyl phthalate
Risks: Prohibited for use in cosmetics in the EU; possible human reproductive or developmental toxin; endocrine disruptor
Found in: Nail polish

DEA (diethanolamine) and TEA (triethanolamine)
Risks: Can form carcinogens, cause skin irritation
Found in: All varieties of personal care products

Risks: Possible human reproductive or developmental toxin
Found in: Nail polish

Risks: Possible human carcinogen; restricted in EU cosmetics
Found in: Moisturizers, conditioners, skin masks

BHA (also called butylhydroxy anisole, BHA/BHT, butylhydroxyanisol)
Risks: Possible human carcinogen; endocrine disruptor
Found in: Various types of makeup, moisturizer, conditioner, etc.

Risks: Known human carcinogen
Found in: Nail polish

Parabens (methyl, butyl or propyl)
Risks: Still being determined; possible allergen, possible endocrine disrupter
Found in: All varieties of personal care products

Safer products
Some of the companies pledging to eliminate chemicals that can cause cancer, mutations or birth defects: The Body Shop, Burt's Bees, Kiss My Face, Aubrey Organics, Avalon Natural Products

People are exposed to the chemicals by: absorbing them through their skin, ingesting them, inhaling fumes, and releasing them into the environment where they become part of the food chain.

Full article on breast cancer and cosmetics

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